PRP Hair
life is too short to have balding hair-
Platelet-rich blood is drawn from the client, plasma is separated in a centrifuge, and then injected directly into the hair follicles, in the various locations around the scalp that are being targeted. The treatment will stimulate hair regrowth while working to slow down future hair loss.
PRP is ideal for people who suffer with hair loss. PRP is equally effective as a way to counteract female pattern baldness, as it is for males.
Hair loss can make a person look prematurely aged and can detract from other features of the face, giving unwanted attention to balding.
The needles used are extremely thin, causing little to no pain.
Consultation and treatment is around an hour.
The scalp will be red and sensitive.
The downtime is very minimal.
12+ months, depending on the individual and their lifestyle.
Generally, results will begin to transpire after the first two or three months, and will be most noticeable around the six-month mark.
For the next 12 hours refrain from shampooing, conditioning or styling your hair with any product.
Have a clean pillowcase everyday for a few days.
Avoid exposing your head to direct sunlight, vigorous exercise and touching your scalp.
Book a consultation to discuss the treatment, your medical history, concerns and expectations.
Together we can decide whether PRP for hair loss is a suitable option for you.